Author name: Vinati Dev

The Power of Why: From Curiosity to Comprehension

Educators across the board agree that curiosity is the common characteristic found in eager, effortful and successful learners! They also agree that this particular trait – spurs growth, mastery and over time, innovation. And that this curiosity-trait is closely linked to ‘intrinsic motivation’. Despite this correlation, researchers are still investigating this complex and multifaceted phenomena-curiosity!

The Power of Why: From Curiosity to Comprehension Read More »

This ‘Grit’ Thing Matters!

Everyone gets a little nervous when we start to talk about the role of non-cognitive predictors; things like motivation, well-being, attitude, perseverance, resilience, and passion- as playing a role in academic achievement. This nervousness is understandable. Till date it is difficult to standardize, define, measure, track and attribute the role that these ‘soft skills’, ‘personality

This ‘Grit’ Thing Matters! Read More »

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